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Substitutes of gallon of 12B1 (1201)-difluorobrommethane:

Substitute Trading mark Conclusion on application Specific conditions or limitations Notes
HCFC-123 MackFri®-123 Applicable no Only for non-residential objects
HCFC-124 MackFri®-124 Applicable no Only for non-residential objects
[HCFC blend] B (Halotron 1) MackFri®-123 + MackFri®-FC14 Applicable no Only for non-residential objects
[HCFC blend] C (NAF P-III)   Applicable no Only for non-residential objects
[HCFC blend] D (Blitz III)   Applicable no Only for non-residential objects
[HCFC blend] E (NAF P-IV)   Applicable with certain limitations Only for non-residential objects Like for other fluid agents, EPA recommends that potential inflammation risk of subproducts should be designated on the fire-extinguisher (UL 2129).
Checking and training application should comply with the safety rules. The reagent should be extracted from the fire-extinguishing system in the process of checking or servicing and either regenerated or utilized.
Helium halogen carbon / Dry chemical suspension   Applicable no Is allowed for using in residential premises.
[blend PAV] A [Cold Fire, FlameOut]   Applicable no no
Carbon dioxide   Applicable no no
water   Applicable no no
Water evaporating systems using tap or sea water.   Applicable no no
Foam   Applicable no no
Dry chemicals   Applicable no no
HBFC-22B1   Applicable with certain limitations Applicable only in uninhabited fund HBFC-22B1 is considered as a temporary substitute to 1211 gallon; due to the fact that it has ODP .74 and is included to the list according to class 1 ODS, its production should have been stopped since January 1996.
HBFC-22B1 is considered as a temporary substitute to 1211 gallon; due to the fact that it has ODP .74 and is included to the list according to class 1 ODS, its production should have been stopped since January 1996.
HFC-227ea (FM 200) MackFri®-200 Applicable with certain limitations Applicable only in uninhabited fund Checking and training application should comply with the safety rules. The reagent should be extracted from the fire-extinguishing system in the process of checking or servicing and either regenerated for further use or utilized.
HFC-236fa MackFri®-36fa Applicable with certain limitations Applicable only in uninhabited fund Checking and training application should comply with the safety rules. The reagent should be extracted from the fire-extinguishing system in the process of checking or servicing and either regenerated for further use or utilized.
Is suitable for local use for machines in the textile production.
CF3I   Applicable with certain limitations Applicable only in uninhabited fund no
C6F14 (PFC-614, CEA-614)   Applicable with certain limitations Applicable only in uninhabited fund where otehr alternatives cannot be used for reasons of safety.
a. due to their physical-chemical properties or
b. where human element limits using of other reagent
Users should know about the limited application of perfluorucarbons and before the decision to use it they should perform the following measures:
(i) perform evaluation of expected conditions of the final use
(ii) perform evaluation of expected conditions of the final use
(iii) determine that the time of people being in the premises can serve as an obstacle of using other fire-extinguishing reagents.
Documentation for these measures should be available.
Documentation for these measures should be available.
Perfluorucarbons have high GWP and continuous life in the atmosphere. Real contribution to the global warming depends on the quantity of perfluorucarbons vented into the atmosphere.
Additional instructions on application in the fields where PFC can be used, are included into the final rules dated March 18, 1994 (59 FR 13044).
Checking and training application should comply with the safety rules. The reagent should be extracted from the fire-extinguishing system in the process of checking or servicing and either regenerated for further use or utilized.
CFC-11   Not applicable N/A There are other alternatives with zero or lower ODP. Additionally paragraph 610 (CAAA) prohibits using of chlorfluorocarbons in portable fire-extinguishers.

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