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MackFri - 32

MackFri® - 32
ASHRAE Name : R-32
(Difluoromethane; HFC-32)

MackFri®-32 refrigerant. Chemical formula CF2H2 (difluoromethane). R32 has ozone depletion potential ODP = О and low global warming potential GWP = 220, in comparison with R125 and R143a. Non-toxic, fire risky. It has high specific heat of vaporization 20,37 kJoule/mole at normal boiling point and abrupt dependence of saturated vapors pressure on the temperature and, as a result, R32 is characterized by high discharge temperature, which is the highest of all alternative refrigerants, except ammonia. R32 is soluble in polyester oils. When used in refrigeration facilities, R32 is characterized by high cold-productivity and energy effectiveness, but it is slightly inferior to R22 and R717. High level of R32 compression causes necessity of considerable alteration in the refrigeration facility design at retrophite, and as a consequence, it results in increasing of its metal intensity and cost. Therefore, R32 is recommended to use mainly as a component of alternative working blend. Due to small size of R32 molecule compared to molecules of ethane row refrigerants , R32 selective leakage through looseness in the refrigerating system is possible, which can change the composition of multi-component working blend.

Similar : Freon-32

Physical properties:
Molecular weight
Boiling point under 1.013x105Pa,0C
Density of liquuid at 250C,g/cm3
Vapor pressure at 250C,MPa
Critical temperature, 0C
Critical pressure, MPa
Critical density, g/cm3
Latent heat of vaporization at bp., KJ/Kg  
Solubility in water at 250C, % by weight
Specific heat, liquid, 250C, KJ/Kg.0C

Ozone-Depletion Potential (ODR)  
Global Warming Potential (GWP)