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MackFri - 152a

MackFri® - 152a
ASHRAE Name : 152a
(Difluoroethane; HFC-152a)

Under normal temperature and pressure, MackFri®-152a is a colorless combustible gas. When contacting with flame, it is decomposed with generation of high-toxic substances. Use: refrigerant, propellant and blowing agent.
Storage: steel ballons, barrels and containers intended for the pressure of 1,2 MPa.
Transportation: can be transported by any transport.

Similar : Freon-152a, Genetron-152a

Physical properties:
At normal temperature and pressure, HFC-152a is a colourless gas.
Molecular weight
Boiling point under 1.013x105Pa,0C
Density of liquid at 200C,
Vapor pressure at 250C,MPa
Critical temperature, 0C
Critical pressure, MPa
Critical density, Kg/dm-3
Latent heat of vapourisation at Bp., KJ.Kg-1  
Solubility at 250C
HFC-152a in water,% by wt
Water in HFC-152a,% by wt
Thermal conductivity at 250C
Liquid, W.m-1.0C-1