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MackFri - 143a

MackFri® - 143a
ASHRAE Name : 143a
(Trifluoroethane; HFC-143a)

MackFri®-143a refrigerant. Chemical formula CF3-СН3 (trifluoroethane). R143a has ozone depletion potential ODP = 0 and comparatively high global warming potential GWP = 1000, non-toxic and fire-safe, it does not interact with structural and packing materials. Three hydrogen atoms in R143a molecule contribute to good solubility in mineral oils. Specific heat of vaporization is 19,88 kJoule/mole at normal boiling point which is a bit higher than for R125 (18,82 kJoule/mole). Discharge temperature is lower than that of R12, R22 and R502. As energy analysis has showed, energy effectiveness of two-step cycle with R143a is close to the effectiveness of the cycle with R502, lower than that of R22, and higher than that of R125. R143a refrigerant belongs to composition of multi-component alternative blends suggested for substitution of R12, R22 and R502.

Similar : Genetron-143a

Physical properties:
Molecular weight
Boiling point under 1.013x105Pa,0C
Density of liquuid at 250C,g/cm3
Vapor pressure at 250C,MPa
Critical temperature, 0C
Critical pressure, MPa
Critical density, g/cm3
Latent heat of vaporization at bp., KJ/Kg  
Specific heat, liquid, 250C, KJ/Kg.0C

Ozone-Depletion Potential (ODR)  
Global Warming Potential (GWP)