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Appendices. Characteristics of R32 refrigerant on the saturation line

Temperature, 0C Absolute pressure, 105 Pa Specific volume, dm3/kg Specific weight, kg/m3 Specific enthalpy, kilojoule/kg Specific heat of vaporization, kilojoule/kg Specific entropy, kilojoule/(kg*К)
liquid vapor liquid vapor liquid vapor liquid vapor
-50 1,106 0,83 309,464 1204,19 3,231 119,0 498,8 379,7 0,676 2,378
-45 1,410 0,84 246,212 1190,701 4,062 126,8 501,3 374,5 0,710 2,352
-40 1,777 0,85 197,909 1176,941 5,053 134,5 503,7 369,2 0,7743 2,327
-35 2,217 0,86 160,578 1162,895 6,228 142,3 506,0 363,7 0,776 2,303
-30 2,737 0,871 131,405 1148,541 7,61 150,1 508,1 358,0 0,809 2,281
-25 3,348 0,882 108,373 1133,86 9,227 158,0 510,1 352,0 0,841 2,259
-20 4,060 0,894 90,016 1118,825 11,109 166,1 511,9 345,8 0,873 2,238
-15 4,884 0,906 75,255 1103,41 13,288 174,3 513,5 339,2 0,905 2,218
-10 5,831 0,919 63,288 1087,582 15,801 182,7 514,9 332,2 0,936 2,199
-5 6,912 0,933 53,509 1071,303 18,688 191,3 516,2 324,9 0,968 2,180
0 8,139 0,948 45,46 1054,531 21,997 200,0 517,2 317,2 1,000 2,161
5 9,525 0,964 38,789 1037,215 25,781 208,9 518,0 309,1 1,032 2,143
10 11,081 0,981 33,221 1019,295 30,101 218,0 518,5 300,5 1,064 2,125
15 12,821 0,999 28,546 1000,698 35,032 227,2 518,7 291,5 1,095 2,107
20 14,759 1,019 24,594 981,336 40,66 236,6 518,7 282,1 1,127 2,089
25 16,908 1,04 21,234 961,099 47,094 246,2 518,2 272,1 1,159 2,071
30 19,283 1,064 18,359 939,85 54,468 255,9 517,4 261,5 1,190 2,053
35 21,902 1,09 15,884 917,441 62,955 265,8 516,2 250,3 1,222 2,034
40 24,781 1,119 13,74 893,546 72,782 275,9 514,3 238,4 1,253 2,014
45 27,941 1,152 11,868 867,934 84,257 286,4 511,9 225,5 1,285 1,994
50 31,403 1,19 10,223 840,116 97,817 297,2 508,6 211,4 1,317 1,972