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-- conditioners Hitachi
-- conditioners Daikin:
--- air-conditioner of the wall type with inverting control FTK/FTX-JA
--- air-conditioner of the wall type with inverting control FTXD
-- conditioners Panasonic
-- conditioners Gree
-- conditioners Mitsubishi
-- conditioners Fujitsu
-- helpful hints
-- FAQ
-- MackFri® refrigerants:
--- refrigerant MackFri®-01a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-01b
--- refrigerant MackFri®-01c
--- refrigerant MackFri®-06a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-09a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-09b
--- refrigerant MackFri®-14a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-R01a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-R01b
--- refrigerant MackFri®-R22
--- refrigerant MackFri®-04a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-07c
--- refrigerant MackFri®-10a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-502
--- refrigerant MackFri®-02a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-02b
--- refrigerant MackFri®-07a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-07b
--- refrigerant MackFri®-08a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-507
--- refrigerant MackFri®-141b
--- refrigerant MackFri®-123
--- refrigerant MackFri®-523a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-523b
--- refrigerant MackFri®-523c
--- refrigerant MackFri®-523d
--- refrigerant MackFri®-142b
--- refrigerant MackFri®-143a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-152a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-200
--- refrigerant MackFri®-ZCI A
--- refrigerant MackFri®-32
--- refrigerant MackFri®-124
--- refrigerant MackFri®-125
--- refrigerant MackFri®-134a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-200Pharma
--- refrigerant MackFri®-36fa
--- refrigerant MackFri®-23
--- refrigerant MackFri®-600a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-601
--- refrigerant MackFri®-601a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-601b
--- refrigerant MackFri®-601c
--- refrigerant MackFri®-11a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-17a
--- refrigerant MackFri®-245fa
-- history of creation
-- ecological purposefulness of the use
-- general
-- traditional refrigerants of CFC and HCFC groups
-- alternative one-component refrigerants
-- alternative multi-component refrigerants on the base of hydrocarbons
-- alternative multi-component refrigerants of HCFC groups
-- alternative multi-component refrigerants of HFC groups
-- compatibility of refrigerants with plastics, elastomers and metals
-- alternative refrigerants for refrigerating transport
-- servicing of refrigeration systems:
--- substitution of R12 for R134a
--- substitution of R502 for R404A or R507
--- substitution of R12 for R401A, R409A, R401B. Substitution of R500 for R401B
--- substitution of R502 for R402A, R408A, R402B
--- substitution of R22 for R407C
-- reservoirs for refrigerants
-- technical means for servicing of refrigeration systems
-- safety rules during work with alternative refrigerants
-- current state and perspectives of using alternative refrigerants
-- range of refrigerant application:
--- refrigeration equipment and air-conditioners:
---- substitutes in water cooling machines
---- vending machines
---- cooling of products in retail
---- dehumidifiers in living quarters
---- piston and screw compressors
---- refrigerating transportation
---- air-conditioners in carriers
---- industrial processes of refrigeration (freezing)
---- production processes of air-conditioning
---- equipment for ice flooding on skating rinks
---- household refrigerators and freezers
---- household and small industrial air-conditioners
---- industrial equipment for ice production
---- preservation of cold in large goods depots
---- substitutes for CFC-13, R13B1 or R503 while refrigerating till very low temperatures
---- substitutes of CFC-12, R500 and HCFC22 in refrigerators with centrifugal compressors
---- substitutes of CFC-114 in refrigerators with centrifugal compressors
---- substitutes of CFC-11 in refrigerators with centrifugal compressors
--- foaming agents:
---- elastic polyurethane
---- film (for coating) polyurethane
---- phenol insulating materials
---- processes with polyolefins
---- polystyrenes, pressed (extruded) plastic foams and preforms
---- press sheet polyurethane
---- rigid polyurethanes and layered plastic foams
---- rigid polyurethanes: spraying, industrial refrigeration and multilayer panels
---- solid polyurethane: appliances and equipment
---- solid polyurethane: sheet panels, etc.
--- fire extinguishing:
---- substitutes of gallon of 13B1 (1301)- trifluorobrommethane
---- substitutes of gallon of 12B1 (1201)- difluorobrommethane
--- cleaning solvents:
---- substitutes for precision cleaning
---- substitutes for cleaning in electronics
---- substitutes in metal cleaning
--- solvents in adhesives, coatings and ink
--- aerosol solvents and propellents
--- sterilizers
--- tobacco industry
-- appendices:
--- characteristics of R12 refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R11 refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R502 refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R22 refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R123 refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R717 refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R125 refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R134a refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R32 refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R409A refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R124 refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R142b refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R404A refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R408A refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R407C refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R507 refrigerant on the saturation line
--- characteristics of R410A refrigerant on the saturation line
--- physical qualities of SUVA® refrigerants
--- designations of refrigerants
--- diagrams h - lg p for some alternative refrigerants
-- Initial data:
--- What is air-conditioner:
--- Functioning principle for the air-conditioning system
--- Refrigerating cycle, or how air-conditioner operates
--- Kinds of refrigerants and their effect on the environment:
--- What is refrigerant
--- Atmosphere ozone layers
--- New refrigerant and its peculiarities and advantages
--- Adaptation of the air-conditioning system for the use of a new refrigerant (R134a)
--- How to identify load and efficiency of the air-conditioning system
--- Components of the air-conditioning system, their organization and check:
--- Oil coolants
--- Compressor
--- Condenser
--- Receiver-dehydrator
--- Expansion valve
--- Evaporator
--- Accumulator
--- Expansion tube
--- Full disassembly and assembly of the air conditioning system
-- Works on maintenance service and repair:
--- Safety precautions:
--- Safety measures on storage and installation of the air-conditioner details
--- Safety measures at work with refrigerant
--- Basic checks on seasonal maintenance service of the air-conditioner
--- Measuring equipment and how to use it
--- Repair of refrigerant outflow
--- How to fill the conditioner with the refrigerant:
--- Air and moisture exhaust
--- Refrigerant filling
--- Checking of the refrigerant amount
--- Distinctive features at checking of the systems of air-conditioning, filled with the refrigerant R-134a
--- Washing of the system of air-conditioning
--- Compressor repair:
--- Recommendations for repair
--- Fine repair of the compressor
--- Major overhaul of the compressor
--- Checking of the emergency automobile air-conditioner
--- Possible malfunctions of the system of air-conditioning and measures on their elimination:
--- Why there occur malfunctions
--- Diagnostics and ways of elimination of malfunctions of the refrigerating cycle
--- Diagnostics of malfunctions of the refrigerating cycle details
-- Bench check of a central air:
--- Preliminary data on the bench equipment:
--- Principle of action
--- Components, their organization and purpose
--- Preparation for the equipment operation
--- Servicing of the system of air-conditioning with the help of the bench equipment:
--- Automatic programming of operations
--- Sequence of operations (ACT-4500)
--- Maintenance service of the bench equipment:
--- Replacement of the refrigerant tank (refueling tank)
--- Replacement the recycling tank
--- Maintenance service of suction separator
--- Main filter
--- Removal of the refrigerant from the main filter
--- Replacement of the pump oil
--- Possible malfunctions of the bench equipment (MRC - 450)
-- Automatic temperature control (ATC):
--- Automatic temperature control:
--- Purpose and the peculiarities of the system of air-conditioning equipped with ATC
--- Brief description of the ATC system
--- Functions of АТC:
--- Basic functions
--- Additional functions
--- Basic scheme and components of ATC system:
--- Basic scheme of ATC system
--- Functions and checking of components
--- Work of the automatic control system:
--- Compensation work
--- Automatic temperature regulation
--- Checking at malfunctions АТC:
--- Basic checks
--- The table of diagnostics of malfunctions
-- Automatic climate - control (ACC):
--- General description of ACC system:
--- What is the automatic climate - control
--- Basic circuit of ACC system and schemes of air streams
--- Functions carried out by the ACC system:
--- Regulation functions
--- Additional functions
--- Devices included into the ACC system:
--- Thermode of the heater radiator
--- Thermode behind the evaporator
--- External air thermode
--- Internal air thermode
--- Solar gauge
--- Mode control engine
--- Electric motor of internal and external air control
--- Engine of air mixing control
--- Electric motor of maximum cooling
--- Electric motor of suction
--- Diagnosing of malfunctions:
--- Function of self-diagnosing
--- Functions and check of action (check of executive mechanisms)
--- Reference table for diagnosing malfunctions
-- videophone VP-41
- mobile air conditioners
- window type air conditioners
- split-systems
- split-system's operation when the temperature is below zero
- is a condensing unit dangerous ?
- about several common errors
- International Organisations
- North and South America - Institutions and Industry Associations
- Europe - Institutions and Industry Associations
- Australia and New Zealand - Institutions and Industry Associations
- Chemical literature and publications
- Transport
- Refrigerants and central airs
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