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Kinds of refrigerants
and their effect on the environment

There has been developed the air-conditioner in which new refrigerant (R134a) is used instead of the previous one (R12). Up to the moment the refrigerant for automobile air-conditioners was R-12. What is this gas is not known. While using this refrigerant, they made just conventional operations on the air-conditioner filling. However, only after publishing the theory that not decomposed freon when reaching stratosphere layers in large quantities is evolved into the Earth troposphere and depletes ozone layers, being decomposed under the influence of strong ultra-violet rays from the outer space, using of the automobile air-conditioner refrigerant has become restricted.

Freon causing ozone depletion is CFC CHLORO FLUORO CARBON, and according to the international system it is divided in the following way:

  • CFC: completely halogenated CHLORO FLUORO CARBON, compound with high level of ozone depletion due to chlorine;
  • HCFC: CHLORO FLUORO CARBON containing hydrogen, compound with low level of ozone depletion due to the presence of hydrogen, though chlorine is also contained;
  • HFC: containing hydrogen FLOURO CARBON, compound which doesn’t deplete ozone layers.

Peculiarities of the air-conditioner new refrigerant.

Since change of its properties took place as a result of comparing the previous refrigerant, because of high pressure at high temperature, there are needed improvements on changing of setting pressures of switches of the air-conditioning and dehydration system, on installation of compressor’s safety valves. Moreover, it is necessary also to change for the new such materials as oil, pad, etc. There is a necessity to change the type and size of connecting elements in order to prevent mixed use with the previous system, as well as use of auxiliary vessels only for auxiliary purposes.